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Welcome Back, MAPH!


Whether you stayed here for the break, visited family, or hibernated in a cave in the Alaskan wilderness for three weeks, we are glad to have you back and hope the quarter gets off to a great (albeit cold) start!images-3


Here is Some Mentorly Advice to Get You Going:

Winter Quarter is the time to really take advantage of UChicago’s shopping culture. Go to different classes, take a look at the syllabus, and think through what the quarter will look like. What is your reading load? How many final papers will you face in ten weeks? (Remember that PhD students can take 1 or 2 seminars, but MAPHers are taking three courses and working on a thesis- we have a different workload.)


Make time for sleep!

Think through not what will look best on your transcript, but what do you want to spend the next ten weeks intensively studying? How can you balance your workload between more reading versus writing heavy classes?


  • Take Care of Yourself (Part I)

This takes many shapes, for instance physically keeping yourself warm and healthy. In December, I wrote a blog post with some Winter Tips. Make sure you are warm enough and staying healthy this winter. I found it extremely difficult to make myself cook and eat healthy last winter, because I felt tired and overwhelmed by work. Plus, it would be dark when I got home at 4:30 and all I’d want to do is put on sweatpants, eat some chips, and go to sleep. Resist that urge!

Check out Matt’s blog post on eating and staying healthy.

Visit Open Produce, one of my favorite places in Hyde Park, for some good fruit and veg.

Schedule time to cook and make large batches of soup (or whatever food you want)images

Get some Vitamin C!


  •  Take Care of Yourself (Part II)

Winter is also a time to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically. Remember that MAPH is a marathon, so pace yourself. Use the good habits you hopefully formed last quarter- or work to improve those habits for this quarter so that they are more sustainable and like Nicolas Cage-esque.

Remember, too, that there are people and tools for you!  Although UChicago may not seem (or be) super warm and fuzzy, there are resources here for you.

-The warmest and, depending on what sweaters we wear, the fuzziest of resources are right here in the office. You can always come by and talk to us about the quarter, classes, thesis stuff- whatever it is. We’ve been there and are a safe space for you to talk/vent/rant/gesture wildly. This quarter, Mentor Office Hours will be every Thursday from 11-1 pm.

-Student Counseling Services offers a “Let’s Talk” Program, in which students can talk to someone without setting up an appointment.

-The Health and Wellness Center offers a lot of events, which you can find here. Included is meditation, yoga, and Meditation and Yoga/Wellness Center. Whatever you can do to relax and take needed breaks from work, go for it! Another great break is Tea and Pipes, which occurs every Tuesday. At Rockefeller Chapel, tea and biscuits are served at 4 pm, followed by half an hour of organ playing!


  • Get out of Hyde Park!

This is hardest in the cold and busy winter months. I was pretty terrible about this last year, though I fortunately had a friend who would entice me out of Hyde Park with warm, happy coffee shops every once in a while.

images-2Not only is it nice to get away from the looming presence of the Regenstein, but it is good to remember that there is life and worlds outside of academia.

Furthermore, this is a chance to experience and take advantage of the incredibly cool city in which we live. Whether you are visiting a bar, working in a coffee shop, or escaping to the Botanical Garden Greenhouses- get there and enjoy new parts of Chicago!


Also, don’t forget to come to our event on Wednesday at 10:00 am, when Matt and I will provide coffee, bagels, and some insight into what it is like to be a Mapher writing a thesis winter and sprint quarter. I know weather will be gross, but don’t let the cold discourage you!

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